(most of the time)

Monday, August 22, 2005

Home Sweet Home

Hey people! I’m back home. Actually, this time I’m glad I’m home. I haven’t slept for 3 days in a row, but I’m thinking I’ll probably be able to sleep tonight. Hopefully. Wawie and Widad have left my home today, so I’m on my own. After all this time with people all the time, I’m kind of enjoying the peace. Yeah, I’m sure that will wear off soon enough. So what happens after 2 days and a half of not sleeping? My bones are aching, I’m irritable, and I also can’t stop laughing at just about everything and anything. Everything seems amusing and irritating at the same time! I’m hungry ALL THE TIME. I’m totally convinced that whatever part of my brain that used to send signals to my stomach (or was it part of the stomach that sends signals to the brain?) that I should stop being hungry has been severely damaged. I keep on taking showers. My mouth is also always dry, keep getting headaches that wear off as soon as I drink water, only to start again after a while. And even when I lie in bed and try to sleep it’s like, I’m too tired to sleep…know what I mean? My head also feels really heavy. I can think of things to say, but somehow when I try to speak the words come out all wrong. I tried to say: I’m glad I’m home, and I said: I’m glad I’m hope. I tried to say: I’m famished, and for some reason it came out: I’m finished. I even just told my mom: I wanna sit, when I meant to say: I wanna eat. Weird.
I blame excitement that Uni is gonna start in a week (I have major sleeping problems in those 9 months of school, but Maha told me she went through the same stuff in her first years of Uni so I’m not worried – cuz right now she sleeps like a baby.) I also blame Harry Potter for this severe case of insomnia. I can’t stop reading this damned book! I wonder if I actually fall asleep how long it will be before I wake up again. I had a good time in AD, I’m sure I have tales, but I can’t seem to remember them now, and besides, my fingers feel very weak...
I’m gonna go eat.