I have this professor; lets call her Ms. A, who drives me absolutely MAD. For those who know me, you know I hardly ever get angry (apart from on my brother, but he’s an exception- he’s a big boy, he can handle the temper tantrums). So I don't get angry. Offended, maybe. But I don’t tell the person, and pretend they never said it. Yet somehow her presence makes me wanna GNASH MY TEETH. This woman (and yes, here we a have a full grown woman competing with 18 year olds): She’s astonishingly self-indulgent, childish and immature, and I have been unsurpassed in my ability to ignore her, but for some reason she manages to get on my nerves. My friends think it’s sad that I don’t answer her back (like they do), but I used to think: it’s not worth my time or energy. Why bother? Its not like she’s gonna change. But I think I’ve been going on about this the wrong way. She steps on a lot of feet, and has managed to create her own hate-club in uni. But for some reason, I have put up with it. And now I’m fed up. She seems to think I’m a coward (could it be because I don’t bother answering her back?) but not anymore. She really thinks she is a woman of some influence, and I hated that I thought she was annoying, but apparently there is NO ONE who likes her. How do you get like that? Do you start off being a perfectionist, and then move on to picking on others, and then move on to this paranoid, mistrustful, suspicious persona in which you think EVERYONE is ganging up against you? Anyway, I’ve been quiet for a few months now, so sorry for boring you with this, but a girl’s gotta vent.Quote of the day: A sharp tongue sometimes cuts its own throat.
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