I Love You
If you were in love with someone- I mean really in love: not the superficial kind of love that fades away once you get to know the person you think you love, not the external kind of love that is mostly physical or materialistic even, not the apparent love that you want to show off to the world (yeah, I’m dating him/her {gleeful smile}, isn’t she/he so totally hot?), and not the love that you frantically create for fear of being lonely (the love that you envisage when you are fearful of being alone doesn’t make you any less lonesome, because if you don’t really love a person they can’t actually fill up those void nights when you need someone, except perhaps on the surface. Once you embrace lonesomeness and learn that being lonesome is a condition everyone has to live through, then finding true love as opposed to finding a boredom-eliminating companion is much easier. Anyway, drifting off the topic…) Like I was saying, if you were in love with a person, the kind of love that you know will last forever (the true meaning of “I will love you forever”), no matter who else comes into your life, the kind of love that is there because you truly love that person for their persona (not just for their looks, money, societal status, or any other chosen category). The kind of love that is so precious you want to cradle it in your arms, you fear letting the world know because you’re afraid talking about it will jinx it, the kind of love that somehow pops into your heart, or grows in it leisurely and gradually until you can’t even breathe, it overwhelms you and almost controls your every move: if you were in that kind of love, and the person that you loved was out of reach (married, has a boyfriend/girlfriend, or some other situation that makes that person tied to someone else) and is (and you know this) incapable of returning your love or being free for you, would you tell them? I mean, it makes sense when someone is unattached. I’m all for telling a person you love them…well, maybe you shouldn’t take my advice because I say I love you to almost everybody, to me they are just words and they make people feel good so if I am happy with a friend/cousin/sibling etc. I don’t mind using those words, because it is always pleasing and flattering when you hear someone say that they love you, and when you say it back it’s a kind of a… release? Like liberation from all fear of using those three words. To me when you really love a person, yes, you do tell them, but you also show them because words are just that…words. If and when I really love a person (in the way I described earlier) then I will not contend with just telling him, I would show him: respect and admire him, cherish and treasure him, make things work no matter what…But I know for sure that I would never be able to tell a person I know is attached that I love him. I am too proud to tell a guy I love him knowing that he cannot return my love. I am too conscious of what their partner would think. I am too aware that I would hate it if someone did that to me. I am too fearful that love is too strong a word to throw around (when it is real love). You may disagree. You may say that it is of no harm to tell someone you love him or her, even if they are attached. Or you might say that the person you love could be discontented in their relationship, and is already looking for a way out. Or you might conclude that you need to tell the person you love that you love them, just for them to know that you are there for them, always. Sorry but that so does not make sense to me. I think it could be detrimental if you tell a person who is say, married or involved in a serious relationship, because first of all you have no right to. That person is taken and has chosen to be with someone else. That person is in a relationship, and telling them you love them may not just compromise your friendship with them, as they may no longer see you as a friend but as a person who loves them (and that changes just about everything); it is also hurtful to their partner, because if I was someone’s girlfriend/wife and someone told my boyfriend/husband they love him, I would think: why? Why are you doing that? Why would you tell him you love him if you know that we are together? Plus it is also hurtful to you, because the person whom you told you love will be cautious around you, and in some cases happy and flattered that you told them, in most cases will wish you hadn’t, so things could go on as they had before. Of course, this is all a matter of opinion. Next point, if you think that the person you love is unhappy in a relationship, don’t you think they would get out of it? Forget novel romances, forget fairytale stories, forget touching movies about men whom sweep women off their feet and rescue them from the wicked spouse, in real life: if a person is with someone, no matter how bad you may see it as, the only thing you should do is advice them, but not tell them you love them. First of all they may see your advances as threatening (you are going too far telling them you love them). Second of all, no matter what you say they will take your advice as just a scheme of yours to make them break up with whoever they’re with so that you can have them. Again, you should keep it to yourself. Third point, if you want the person you love to know that you will always be there for them, show them. Be there for them. Don’t tell them you love them because that will just bamboozle things (hehe, I like that word). I really think that it is crossing the line when someone is in a relationship and you still confess your love. I repeat, I am all for telling a person you love them, if they are unattached, but I truly believe it is genuinely selfish on your part if you tell me you love me, knowing that I am involved with someone else. Because that does not help anybody except perhaps make you feel better knowing that you have tried all you could. And yes, even though I do believe that most good things are taken and if you want it for yourself you should go for it, the only time I would accept a confession of love is when that person is absolutely sure the person they love will respond positively, like say: Oh God, I was waiting for you to say that. Just let me call it quits with **** and we’ll move in together. Or perhaps if you’re interested in them for an affair, which is of course a different topic altogether because if you think someone is good enough for an affair, then I don’t think you really love them. In which case, how would you feel if someone told your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/partner that they love them for the sole purpose of having an affair?
I love love, and I love being told I’m loved, but if I was engaged or married it would only be acceptable if a friend tells me in a way that serves no ulterior motives, meant purely in the soul of friendship, and only if there are no other intentions behind it. Otherwise I see it as purely self-serving, self-interested, and totally fruitless (what would you get out of it?)
p.s. These are all thoughts and are not intended for anyone specifically, I'm talking generally based on something I thought of...Really.
No, really!