(most of the time)

Friday, March 09, 2007

I'm sorry

This is a formal act of contrition to, AND request for forgiveness from, one of my dearest friends. She had gone through a hard time once or twice and instead of giving her guidance I tried to convince her that what she was feeling wasn’t real. Even though my advice was heartfelt and I had good intentions, I now realize that no one has the right to tell someone else how they are really feeling. If someone feels they are in love, you can’t just tell them: no what you’re feeling is not love. Some things a person has to go through, the journey of discovery himself/herself, and ascertain what it really is for themselves, and make the reflection of what it really was themselves, and build the barriers for pain not to hurt them again in the future themselves.
I don’t believe in circumstances, I believe everything happens for a reason. I am not an authority on the profound notion of circumstances, coincidences, fate, and destiny, but I truly believe that you are today a mix-up and subconscious blend of everything that happened to you up till yesterday, and since something happened to me yesterday that made me realize how horrible it is to have someone tell you that what you’re feeling is not true, my dear friend, I am extremely sorry, and please forgive me. I assure you that next time you are in any situation that has you suffering; I will stick to my regular: you have to go through it, this too shall pass, and there are people around the world who have so much pain from starvation, poverty, disease, parentless-ness and homelessness that if we spend a few minutes thinking of them we will thank God that we have what we have and the pain we are feeling now will not disappear but at least lessen with the guilt and knowledge that most of us, in our little bubble, do not know what real pain really is (including myself). I will stick to all of that and more, but I will (InsAllah) do my utmost not to tell you that what you’re feeling isn’t real.


At 1:13 PM, Blogger Ingenious Perspective said...

hey booboohead
yah its so much easier to get it all out (even if it means an argument) rather than keep it all bottled up inside and think about it whenever ur with that person...
im sorry for calling u ********** cuz ur not, i was just upset and wanted confirmation that u still cared
ahhh so much earier to apologize once u get started...
luv ya 2


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