(most of the time)

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I need to sleep.

It’s late. I need to sleep. I HAVE to sleep. What am I doing so wide awake and alert? I have to be up at 8 tomorrow. I was up at 6 today. And I was out all day, got home around 10.00 pm. That means I should be extra tired since the sun + heat + no afternoon nap = major snooze fest. But nooooooo, sleep has to come whenever IT wants to. Crap. Why do people sleep? Isn’t it such a squandering and misuse of time? Did you know that sleep takes up 30% of our lives? So let’s add this up: I’m sure at least 50% of our lives is wasted on watching pointless reruns of really old shows, going to the toilet, eating, talking, gossiping, staring into empty space, and hanging out, which leaves 30 % of our lives sleeping, and only 20% to do something useful. It’s no wonder we have no ability to progress (in fact, I am almost sure we are digressing). If sleep can take up as much as one third to one half of time from our lives, then do you really expect us to have any form of brilliant ability to develop, advance and basically improve ourselves? OFCOURSE NOT! There’s not enough time man! So we spend our youth basically doing our best to get at something constructive for our lives, but by the time we do figure out the secret of life/happiness/love, it’s too late. We’re too old and probably don’t even give a damn what the secret of life/happiness/love is.
I realized something. I should embrace this. Maybe I am a night owl. Maybe I’m not meant to sleep at night. I do carry out my best work at night. I study best at night (although I used to think it was because everybody was asleep which gave me peace to study). But I guess I am a creature of the night. So that’s it. No more indulging myself in this weepy, pitiful state. I shall accept my calling: the night is my ally. If I can’t sleep, fine. No stress. I’ll do what you, as my therapists, have recommended. Write a book. I’ve already enrolled in afternoon classes for the coming semester (starting 3rd September, Yaaay. Man, I'm such a geek. I'm actually happy that Uni is starting!) so the problem of listening to a toneless professor go on and on and on has been taken care of. The added advantage is that the classes are at night so I’ll get drowsy just in time to go sleep.
For now I’m gonna try and hit the sack again. I have to go register in Uni tomorrow at 9.00, and then go to a saloon, and then start off the two-hour drive to Abu Dhabi for this party at 7.30, and hopefully stay awake till the party's over. Or at least till after they bring out the food. Yum Yum. Man, am I making any sense?
I need to be awake for all that, so with any luck I will get some sleep now.

Sleep: We’ll see about that, you poor, sad, pathetic excuse of a human. MUHAAAHHHAAAHAHAA.
Me: Oh maaaannnnnnnnnn!!!!!


At 6:13 AM, Blogger Joe said...

Hmmm...I could be off on this one, but it sounds as if you need sleep.

Sweet dreams AFCPNN. lol

At 12:49 AM, Blogger Ingenious Perspective said...

hehhehe. Thanx...
I've just started uni so maybe that will fill my days up and I will stop having imaginary conversations with my sleep...

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