(most of the time)

Friday, May 13, 2005

Hitting Women

I’m, as a rule, an airhead. I sit around talking non-sense, reading non-sense, listening to non-sense, and basically enjoying my life. But every once in a while something passes by me that hits home, and for some reason I get really worked up about it. Just recently I read this article that a journalist wrote, and it touched upon a topic that I feel quite passionate about.
This guy wrote about an evening that he had spent out late with his friends. They were sitting in a room playing cards, talking, and somehow a man admitted: I hit my wife. The admission of guilt could have ended at that, but no, he decided to add in his defense: but so what? It happens in all homes.
God I was so outraged to read that.
And the journalist said, he was in such shock, as these were his close friends, and he could not imagine them doing such a debasing, undignified thing to a woman. He asked all 6 of them if they had ever hit a woman in their lives, and 5 out of 6 said yes. Yes, they did hit women. And the 6th one? Well, heheheh, he wasn’t married. He professed that he used to cry silently whenever he heard his father hit his mom. But then he added (much to my disappointment), that although his father hit his mom, he had never seen a man love and pamper a woman like his father did his mom. Basically, even if you love your wife, you get to hit her.
And the unexpected part was, the journalist had a skeleton in the cupboard that he owned up to: and after he had done it and shaken off the horrid rage trance he was in, much to the shock of his wife, he went to the toilet and cried his heart out.
Why do men hit? Those guys said that women liked it, and that a woman needs a man to show her his “muscle”. They also said that sometimes the women would drive them so mad she would actually earn a slap in the face.
So what happens when a man drives a woman absolutely mad? Where does it say that men are allowed to hit women when they get them angry, and never the other way around? And those men answered the question saying: I’d cut her hand off if she laid a finger on me.
Is that it? Is it because men are ‘stronger’ then they have earned the right to hit a woman? Has a relationship become so hardhearted and insensible that now we believe we ‘own’ the person we are with? And that gives us full ownership of their body? Nobody has a right to hit. Nobody. It just doesn’t work that way.
The truth is, I think the fact that a woman is capable of controlling herself and not degrading her husband by hitting him just proves that it is the woman who is stronger, and that it takes an extremely, incredibly weak man trying to prove himself “manly” if he hits his wife.


At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait! Wait! Wait! I think we are mistaken in here. Why should women always blame it on men!? What if it happens to be something they can not help!? Men are not verbal! Talkative! Thay don't share women's communication systems. Theirs is GO GET IT- OR FORGET IT.
So, it goes without saying their reactions-be they at home or in hell- are always the same! They are rather woven in automated mechanical-chain processes. Why should women expect men to be different inside their wedlocks?!
They ought to ask themselves first if they are different inside their wedlocks! Besides, men don't like violence per se! They resort to it to cut off with unbearable stuff. And women happen to be unbeearable except that they don't realize this fact until it's too late! Added to that, there is nothing new under the sun! Why should we make a fuss about a de-facto phenomenon!? It has always been MIGHT IS RIGHT. That RIGHT CAN BE SOMETHING OTHER THAN MIGHT is for its adherants to prove. Power comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Women's power , to my knowledge, is much more efficinet than that of poor men.

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Wafaa said...

men 'not being verbal or talkative' is not an excuse to hit women.

'women happen to be unbearable'


why are you generalising? and besides, dont you think maybe alot of the time it's the men who just cant handle the situation rather than thinking it's the woman who is being unbearable? in general men dont like to be given advice, criticised or told what to do without asking for it in the first place.. so it's natural if they get upset by a woman giving them unsoliscited advice/criticism, especially if her voice is raised.. but sometimes women forget that it bugs the hell out of you, and therefore men should be patient, not violent.

im sure some women can drive men crazy, but that's why men are less emotional than women, so that they stay calm until she cools off, which all women will. A man hitting a woman just shows that he is not a man but rather like a 3 yr old who might hit his little friends if they steal his cookie. it's disgusting.

and are you saying men hitting a woman who is being unbarable is a de-facto phenomenon? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Ingenious Perspective said...

The truth is,we don’t always blame it on men.My point was, even if it is the women’s fault…violence is the last thing we should resort to.In fact,it shouldn’t be an option at all!We yell at our kids for hitting each other,we give lectures on aggression in video games,we stop teenagers from watching sadistic movies,and blame fierce songs for their violence, and yet here we are at the foundation of where our children learn,proving to them that hitting mommy is ok…going against everything we have reprimanded!
And I think there is no way in the world that it can’t be helped…hitting a woman is not a mechanical response that is woven in a man and happens uncontrollably,it is a mindful act (like any other act an able-minded person performs)that a man can direct and manage.I have more than once hit my brother in moments of pure fury,and at that moment it seems like something I didn’t mean,a reaction to being incredibly infuriated(he’s a big guy don’t worry about him)but I would never say “I didn’t mean it,” “It was by mistake”, “I couldn’t control it”, “It was actually his fault”, or whatever reason men come up with to uphold their dreadful act.Plus, this happened when i was a child and not anymore, how did i evolve from being a child who hits her brother into a young lady who would never hit him? How come men don't evolve into that?We fight for the rights of abused children whose parents hit,that they are frail and powerless…but isn’t that the same as when a man hits a woman?Or a child hits an animal?A more powerful entity hitting a weaker one that cannot defend itself? I am not generalizing when i say I do believe that it is mostly women who put up with men, not the other way around.Women are not unbearable,it is the men who do not tolerate the woman they call wife and mother of his children.I have never in my life heard a story of a man maintaining marriage with his wife after she was judged a drug addict and sent to jail.I have never heard of a man sticking to his wife after her open infidelity to him and her being exposed to millions of people around the world,with her lover.I have never heard of a man sticking to his wife after nights and nights of her going out and cheating on him with numerous other men,knowing that she has a child and husband waiting for her at home.In these circumstances men up and leave,and marry other more “suitable” women.Again, i do not mean to generalize,but women stick to their husbands.Whether it is an innate habit in women to support her husband come what may, or that women truly believe that this is the nature of men and we should stick to them anyway (which is also stupid cuz men are not born that way, we just make them believe it is ok to cheat cuz we would stick with them anyway),the point is it is not the women who are unbearable at all.Men are the ones with no patience to bear.And just because this is a reality,it does not mean we have to put up with it.I brought this subject up because I am a woman,and hope that if this ever happens to me that I am stronger than most women I know and have the courage to leave him because I don’t want to live off the hand that slaps me.Just because everybody does it,does not mean its right.I never thought I would resort to this example IN MY LIFE but…if everybody jumped off a cliff,would u? Men hit their its ok?
And what did u mean by: “Women's power, to my knowledge, is much more efficient than that of poor men.”??


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