Random Questions about Love
What is love? How do you know that someone is telling the truth when they say they love you? Do you “see it in their eyes”? (Yes, I’m being cynical.) How long does it take for someone to fall in love? A month? A year?
At first sight?
And how do you know you’re in love? Does it slowly creep up on you and then jolt you with the feeling? Or do you feel it progressively escalating from partiality to complimentary to worship feelings?
And if you doubt that you’re in love, does it mean that you’re not in love anymore, or does it mean that the person you love has just been away for a while (emotionally or physically away, whichever) and the moment he/she comes back all returns to normal?
If you discover that you’re not in love, do you leave the person that you’re not in love with? Is it that easy?
Or do you just stay and start believing what your mother told you about love never lasting? If it doesn’t last, then why fall in love in the first place?
“When you’re in love your world turns upside down, and you think with your heart.” Well, if love turns you into a slave of your feelings and emotions, what good comes of it? Won’t it just be less complicated not to fall in love?
Can’t people just really like each other, and avoid the whole concept of unrestricted, self-sacrificing, Romeo and Juliet love? Isn’t love just a mixture of approval and s**? Why not call it by its real name then? Why do people like the whole fancying things up into something extravagant, over-the-top and really just phony?
I don’t think I believe in love. I’ve seen too many successful arranged marriages that it kind of makes me question this concept. I believe in getting used to someone. I believe in feeling good or happy when some one is around. I believe in getting to know a person. But this whole desperate, dreamy, I-can’t-breathe, I-can’t-live-without-you, you’re the ONLY one…this stuff really doesn’t make sense to me.
You think you’re in love with some one cuz there’s no one else like him/her- well, the truth is, there’s no one else like anybody else. We’re all different. That’s just a play on the way things sound when u say: “There’s no one else like you.” OF COURSE THERE IS NO ONE ELSE LIKE ME!!! What’s your point exactly?
The thing is, I am in no way against happy couples that do live by the concept of (you’re the only one for me). I just think it’s a bit forged when someone says: you’re the sun, the moon, and the bright bright blue in my sky. Maybe it is true that I’m a bit practical in my love life. For me, I would always look at a person in terms of: wealth, looks, personality, and his love for me (not necessarily in that order). And then, there’s this moment when you decide: should I give in to this? And if you do you’re a goner, and if you resist well, you move on. But corny, clichéd, everlasting, perpetual love never has made any sense to me whatsoever.
p.s. if you guys are gonna comment, please don't give me answers like : Love makes the world go round, or Love is Everything, or whatever confusing answers people come up with that aren't really answers at all.
HeHe! love... what a science. Books, articles, movies, discussions, series, studies, researches; All have written or have spoken about this thing called love.
But seriously lets ask you a question! when someone sez that you are his moon or star, or the glamour in his life? doesn't that atleast put a smile on your face. If someone loved you, don't you think he would do anything to keep that smile on your face.
Just the idea of being loved, doesn't that sort of gives a different mesh to your gesture.
You said loves makes us blind. Blind from what? from the fact that if you love someone that you will do all possible things to make that person happy even if he/she was not loved back, trying the best to make everything possible available to make her/him happy.
Just the fact that you love someone other than god and his prophets and your own family makes you able to live with faith that things are all alright, that its worth to give in to this world, and not just the relationship.
Loves has no form or structure or procedure to exist so that it would be discussed this way, love is a gift that god has given us so that we wont loose faith in him, just like the sixth sense or telepathy. It has nothing to do with whether it works out or not. A person truely in love will only say, "i just want to make her/him happy, even if my departure is the price."
Now you would probably think, why should i pay a price, this is life, everything has a price, everything has a value.
You can't express love with actions or words, but you can know it if you have belief in yourself.
When someone sez, "you are the only one", Its just a figure of speach to say, "that he loves you". I know its corny and mushy. But seriously how many times have you heard it from someone who really loved you and it didn't really spark a small light in you. Thats makes you feel that things are still okay.
Love can't be figured out or motivated by speach! Its just like how will you know that someone hates you, or someone is talking about you behind your back.
People fall in love for many different reason, some of which that you have called upon in your post. but seriously, don't you think that there is much more in a human being than that. More than material, looks, personality and love. Have you heard of sacrifice, (not as in i will kill my self, or commit suicide)? Have you heard of intentional dispowerment?
There is much more about love:
In science:
love is a rage of a certain hormone called Oxytocin (not estrogen or testosterone). This hormone has no scientifical proof on Why does it execrete.
In conclusion:
Love is the uncertainty of human anatomy. Love is what made scientists go blank! Years and years from now no one will ever find out why? how? when? or why?.
Love is everlasting, becouse love is one reason why we exist. It just needs someone to experience it, not a scientist to explain it.
And as they say:
"2is2al mjarib walla tis2al 6abeeb"
That was a very hard question? and a very long one too! :S
Heheh..well if some1 told me I was his sun,moon,and the bright bright blue in his sky,I wud probably gag.
Ok I’m kidding,I wud love the sound of it.
And then gag.
Anyway,ur right,there is no clear-cut,off the books,logical explanation to love.I’m sure love also feels different with each person,and that there are millions of different kinds of love.I just don’t like the fakeness that comes with it.It sounds nice when you hear it,sure,but not if u carry it too far.Plus,I think I am a bit less romantic then most girls.My idea of love is not a person who can say it,write it in poems,sing it,easy words that come out of perhaps practiced mouths…My idea of real love is when a person can prove it.Show it,don’t just say it.Anyone can say:I love you,even when they don’t mean it.But when u prove it(in any way)then that’s something(for me,I don’t know about other girls).I told wawie just yesterday that I would rather be with a guy who promised me nothing and then surprised me with what I don’t expect,than with a guy who promises me the world and can’t offer it.
sorry those two were me.. sometimes i dont know how to express myself. ok what i wanted to say was: I agree.
;) angel face cutie pie njooli njooli...
oh, n i wsnt sayin that cuz u agreed w me (which part though? cuz i think ur a bit less materialistic than i am when it comes to love), i said that cuz u R an angel face cutie pie njooli njooli...
hehe thanks angelfacecutiepienjoolinjooli
ok i was agreeing on your comment, not your post since your post is just a series of questions, but good ones.. makes one ponder u kno like hmmmmm. but u know what i think lets just keep it a mystery and khalas.. too much thinking isn't always good hehe makes the brain hurt.. ok i think u know what i mean anyway.
basma how did u get rid of my two deleted comments? let me know so i can do it too.
actually the questions on my post weren't meant to be answered...they weren't really questions cuz there's no answer...or in fact many answers...they were jst things in my head n I figured:well if its in my head might as well put it in ur heads!
Yeh...balancing is always good. I'm not totally against a few romantic gestures and words...so long as they're sincere.
What is love?! GOOD Q!!
If you want to know what love is, LOVE SOMEBODY! like John Bolton once said. Love is inexplicable. It's like dancing, you can't really feel it until you let yourself go with the flow.
Some Greek philosophers said it's God's self-realization in humanity. Sometimes God loves to see 'HIMSELF' in his very own creatures. So, it's divine if you wish.
I'd say if life is a non-stop-plethora of tit-for-tat relationships, love comes to alter it for good! If life is ruled by the law of the jungle where might is right, love happens to prove to the oblivious jerks that beauty is the essence of existence!
Love is a unique phenomenon in this God damn universe. It can never be anticipated or fabricated. It takes place when two strange people gid deep and go beyond the shields. We are all assuming certain roles in life, aren't we? We are hiding behind masks, masks we know we can't live without yet we are fully aware there is no life within them.
Love is there to break the silence, to beat the impossible and to get us rid of our doom.
What adds to its mystery is the fact that it is a once-a-live-time experience! Above all, it happens involuntarily. You can't chose to fall in love. That's what we call infatuation, or devotion and that's all physical, temporary and subject to external factors.
When it emanates from within, it just can't come to an end. It gets/becomes a self-perpetual phenomenon. ULTIMATE BEAUTY. EXTRA-ORDINARY NOTHING-METAMORPHOSING-INTO-SOMETHING ACT that can be but God's SELF-ACTUALIZATION.
Love is to be felt and lived. It can't be accounted for. And on top of that all, it has no boundaries. For, if it has boundaries, this means it has become conditional.
Love is always associated with marriage. However, marriage is a social institution designed on economical as well as pragmatic grounds meant to make it harder for its members to change their minds or even break up. IN MARRIAGE, EACH AND EVERYBODY HAD BETTER STICK TO THE STATUS QUO.
Love is an involuntary act, from soul to soul. It can't be imposed nor can it be blown out of proportion. It is there if and only if one does not tie it to some lunatic and silly selfish misconceptions.
If marriage survives, that is because of a sense of duty. For love to survive, it has to be due to free will. LOVE IS FREEDOM. We are in it when we are being liberated from greed, lust and slavery to the materialistic world. It's not about wealth or health! It's about being stealth and omnipresent in somebody's life so much so that he/she can no longer trace the limits between them and us. Love is not a game. Nor is it a s** bomb like Tom Jones said. Love takes an artist to happen.
Art among other things is the spiritual agility to blow a soul into a devoid-of-anything vessel!
And that all boils down to one fact: IT IS ELITIST! It just is not so that everybody can be an artist. Being an artist is having the ability to connect the unconnectables and blend the antonyms!
Many people think they have known love sometime in their lives whereas in fact it was a temporary inclination to do some stupid flirtation of some sort or other!
Tellingly, some other people enjoy love day in day out without being aware of it!
That was a pretty knowledgeable, educated answer…I never looked at love in that way.I’ve been forced to believe that love is what comes after marriage,regardless of who u marry.Obviously that is a bit far fetched cuz u can’t just love anybody,and ur right:u can’t choose who u love.Then again,my post was just something to ponder about.If I dissect and try to figure love out then I think it will just lose its touch.Like tasting a great dish and the fact that you don’t really know exactly what ingredient added that special,unique flavor,adds to its taste:I don’t need to know the truth behind love.I’m happy in my ignorance of this heavenly self-sacrifice to the unknown.I guess if you do give up all the conditions and ties that people place,and stop connecting love with marriage,then true love does make sense.I guess when marriage becomes a dutiful,societal, compulsory and forced way of life that is meant to shove people together to ‘belong’ to one another,and thus lose freedom, then I don’t believe in it,but if two people who are truly in love decide to get married to discover this relationship and to prove to the world that it is sacred and blessed,then I guess its not so bad.Again,I’m not too worried about love.In my age,love still seems like momentary madness.And I like not knowing if it will last forever.
Looooool ali, will you grow up already??!! And I KNOW ur in love, wawie told me ;)
Wawie pls teach ur man some manners!
"And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put LOVE and mercy between your (hearts): Verily in that are Signs for those who reflect"
Quran sura 30 verse 21.
yep. ali is in love with me. he just doesnt know it yet!
Cool comment wawie...perfect and without equal...
yeh...give ali time..he'll come round to it...
Kewl...i'll be leaving more comments...jst to mess about i guess...
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